Note of the day Keys to the tank
Hymn our miesszkania
Winnie, however, is with us go **** e. .. Again last night we get bored to the point that we decided on him posadyścić. Original plan was smeared with toothpaste it once again, but as it was the turn of speed Samcia he invented a new plan less threatening his wretched life. Well, I decided to come to my room for a full k *** e, turn on the light and start to inquire about the keys to the tank. The effect was more than zacieszny. We ran into the room as the riot police shouting "FROG! FROG! WHERE ARE THE KEYS TO Tank?", Which despite our predictions Kumecki instead start looking for the keys fell into a total horror (mine unfortunately not captured priceless) kołderkę drew upon himself and began to kick. Speaking short almost have brought the boy to a heart attack. : D We will consult with him again, or does not mind throwing a spectacular movie of that operation GESTAPO and if he agrees I throw this piece of cinema in the next ambitious noteczce.
Jebura's life: rodents learned to leave the cage through the entrance on the ceiling ... teach him even include the entrance and we will make it Spiderrat'a. Furthermore, I conclude that it ceases to feel awe myszowaty. It was not enough to leave the cage alone, it's still yesterday clambered up the moat surrounding the cage, took a ride between the cans and bottles of beer standing on the table, and then returned to the cage and even tried it already behind close ... too good for him lately we p
came time for another installment of The Fachmans album. The second song on our first album will be a romantic ballad, the no less romantic title of "Keys to the tank"
the rest will add to the end of the meet.
Ave Mary, always virgin. Samurai
PS. Facebook is used to collect strawberries.
Lynx: Music to my part of the note.
Today I give my blood. From the beginning I thought it was an average idea My blood is too precious, I had to deprive its own, but ultimately prevailed ... I broke my rules, and it is for any reason other than a pleasure to be calculated. I sold them for a few chocolates, soczek in a carton, cans and one nieobceność on exercises in mathematics (which, in fact, I honestly hate). My blue blood has been unleashed on the outside ... I do not know whether you know, but the donation of blood is usable only for about a month, then he can at best constitute a breeding ground for vampires. It is comforting to me that my Probably will not be wasted (and I hate waste) - is the Rh blood type 0 -, most seldom in the world, can the transfusion of absolutely everyone, regardless of what he himself has antibodies. Ha, what an irony of fate - I just got the blood of the perfect altruist ...
blood donation process itself is also interesting. First, you accused me, jakobym not required for male weighed 60 kg. My doubts as to whether you really want to do it came back, but even then with defiance, he stated that, however, become a donor. Thus, I went outside, stood in front of five minutes, and after returning to announce that the weight in a building adjacent to the canteen 'TAWO' (where it took place Wampiriada) facility identified NHF '61 kg with shoes. " With this smart fortelowi I was able to stand your ground. Blood
hitherto indulged only twice prior to surgery of the spine, in the subsequent autotransfusion. My memories associated with it are not too pleasant, but this time was much different. Looked very nice to me after a brief sting as a long, clear tubing with red liquid flows down my arm into the bag, placed at such a strange ranging device. More was nice to watch the changing digits that represent the number of milliliters of blood already donated. I could just have a very clearly shown how quickly and how much life escapes me, because, as the heroes used to say 'Nekroskopu', 'life's blood, the blood is the life ...'
blood donations is a really interesting experience, but it seems to me that is highly addictive. I myself, I suspect, for two months to report a krwiodastwa point after this, to experience it again. But if
would ever be deprived of life altogether, unless I already know what method I would be served.
In Blood We Trust!
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