Since noteczki long ago it was not, and these social parasites, or kickin 'it or nołlajfią post, as usual, I'll start ... and start it from bulwersu ... and not from some small but since obruszenia bulwersiku at a national or even international'd said. Well, today I had the colossus. Apparently nothing extraordinary, but the leading led some known only to themselves, the sick and the reasons he decided to make an 8 o'clock in the morning! Well, for God's sake ... with such a pagan times it pirszorocznych the university attracts students and not the fourth year! The doctor went in his cheek to the fact that he changed the questions that we had (in 2003) and the only ones I could yesterday to learn because of the very important need for the game in facebook'owe strawberries. Thank God Almighty test was a test which allowed me to answer on the basis of a six-line bone.
understood why is this pig fallen sometimes referred to as a rat stopped us afraid. Well, the beast that the burden wyczaiło sadyszczenia blindworms went from white to his master. Yesterday we decided to break the routine, and instead on Wednesday pomęczyliśmy Winnie on Tuesday. Joke in general was average, but the Frogs face clearly expressing the "K *** a, I will give you Bazinga blunt niedomyte, mentally retarded s ** e" (by the way it fascinating that he can Jakubuś same facial expressions to express such a complex sentence) . Unfortunately, his revenge was too weak ... simply poured ago Samcia water. I ask you dear readers ... Convince the Frog komencikach that for everything we have done what he should think of revenge dowcipasek morning, which almost is upon us, and not something so weak, because this lack of commitment hurts our little boys' hearts.
Well, I finish for now, probably will add Rysiu as he wills, the frog will add that probably will not like Samcio, which most likely will return as napruty spade.
Confucius said: Have a nice day Mieciu and Rama Rama Hare Krishna
Lynx: Ugh ... Today was tough, very tough day. I just finished the script for tomorrow's torture methodology and techniques of programming, so do not rozpiszę too much, which is a pity. For a long time since we plan to duużą note comprising a summary of the past few days with duuużą party photo (stęskniliście certainly has to be our murders, no?). Unfortunately this is not the time to take to be so reckless task, especially since the composition of our Samcia is weakened. Tomorrow we have scheduled the Grand Cleaners, so it can also take this opportunity to write something-or two more. But enough of this
warzywienia, I'm going to plant some rice on gejbooku.
PS. Ah! I'd forgotten! Today a unique note of the day - we decided to start (surprise) the team, this time in an entirely different convention - we did even Demko. Here it is!
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