notes for today
Flo, mammal! Hi
and glory to you, dear blogoczytacze. Do not worry any longer, you need read only the sad smętów Samurai, here in a big way, to meet the expectations of many eager readers and our readers, re-enter the scene and Samcio Rysio! The appropriate part of that scrap starts the second.
The share accounted for me to describe our Siemaszkowego New Year's Eve, in which crowds are showing up invited guests: Kicu, Magda, Pavlak and Matis, but ran out of people ... Frog and his bride went to Revan, and have samurai in the morning wybył to friends. Our imprezka promised to be fun: kirsch, frits, music, tearing heads a-marvel-honey. In practice, we kaufland closed-which was to be the source of our food and drinks-the nose, so we ordered pizza, we purchased and began drinking alkuna without Matisa! Enenene!
Now I do. According to directives from above I have addressed an important issue, namely, - we assume the band! This time, however, in contrast to The Fachmans and Ciupciaczy All the Devils is a very serious project, which was once very nearly has not already been done - provided, of course, the most obscene pop culture icon of modernity - Glibberish Jack (formerly known as Jack Black). Samcio sharply from a few days getting ready to write a business plan that we intend shortly to send Mystica - namely, reading the box next to njusy, plotku, kozaczku and whatever. Apropos - from this place I wanted to remind our dear Czytelniczce Magdalene, that also agreed to engage in this project, and promised every assistance in the menedżmentu and piaru. And to all the readers are asking for help - for which Jack scandal could leave the heights of popularity? Who do you tap at the moment to be uber alles populares? I admit that this is one detail that even the image of this character is not appended. Besides - there is no case law does not go and look at the issue and to achieve three to five seven-diamond-coated eight albums in the course of this year.
When we reach the popularity of the case will now not difficult - there are ideas for how to mess up his sleeve. And that Jack go for a walk with his alligator Fafikiem, and it refuses to adoption of Frederick ("This is not a prize awarded by my kickass fans, just some old pierdzistołki!"), announced that shits on him ... then really him Nasr, and it will participate in the advertising pie ("Mmm ... dope! Glibberish Jack, check it out!").
In any event, I myself from now on I started to exercise, to prepare me for the role of lead singer - starting gently for a couple of minute head-bangingu, but in the near future I intend to hire personal trainers to help me in obtaining a sufficient condition to play a concert dwuipółgodzinnego .
Today, incomprehensible to me until the end reasons I decided to sit solidly in science and - wait, hold up! - Really a sit! I studied for almost three hours! Unfortunately, in the meantime, all indications are that evaporate my brain because I had a huge problem with the fact that in one of the task force has been marked as F (t). Terribly mierził me that the sign and shouted up the Samurai to him complain about the person who wrote this nonsense task! But Samurai brazenly mocked my doubts and wanted miscreant, I empirically prove that I'm wrong. He began to scribble Cartesian coordinates, but that's when he renounced the memorable "f (x) = 2, I know spyczaj", which caused him such an attack of laughter that he gave me a break. Well, everyone can get confused sometimes: (
PS2. Why do I have an impression that 90% of comments will only apply to this dog instead of the same notes?: (
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