I wanted to officially deny the information about jebaniu Pupka donkey Happysadu tank and vocalist, are niedżentelmeńskie slander, and I think that everyone who advertises is similar rumors randy a bull and a knight. Oh
I wanted to officially deny deny the information that is not Jebal Rysiu Pupka vocalist in Hardcore (to be admitted), the donkey is probably even admit that the tank is not actually in Pupka Jebal, because the tank is not my ass ... at this time also apparently trying to wyruchać Samcia but Samcio weapons.
Only the freshest news from the world of showbiz. And as for Siemaszko ... Siemaszko takes the session, which of course means that reads Samcio Sower, Frog licencjatkę weapons, I was hard for tomorrow's exam Zakuwanie of PSRA and Rysiu ... Rysiu to be taught, but is too busy dementowaniem information about a donkey.
Elo! I have been assigned wyszedzenie Revan. Revan had a few days ago, his 21st birthday. On this occasion, he invited a few people in the home party. I was not invited bastard, but I przylazłem. I came at the end of the World (Ruczaj) around 23:20. Reavn took a bottle modest, wishes, and disappeared to accompany their friend. When after 40 minutes, the Samurai was Revan, the band stretched before the toilet, byrding said: "hyp. Szszszpać Ide! He said he did. We, in the next room we played the best. Revan- scoff at you, because I do not napiłeś with me vodka.
I want to deny, that the we, we would be guilty of the garment and his sweetheart Revanka wszytskimi available comforters, and blankets in their home. I do not know anything about this and that someone zdzielił Revan pink feather dusters in the face, and under his arm.
PS. We are aware that this notice is pathetic, but some of the information you need to deny.
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