If someone is interested concrete summary of what was happening on stage, I recommend a note with RPG Roleplaying Games . There has been said a lot more than I would be able to write. Therefore, like other bloggers, I will focus more on how to complete this year for my group.
As usual, I forgot to count taking place sessions. But I can say that once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, an average of about 50 meetings.
systems that drove:
Vampire: The Requiem (in climates of Norse mythology),
DeathPunk author (cyberpunk with the zombies on the mechanics of Savage Worlds),
Neuroshima (single- story),
Cold City,
Monastir: Against the First Commandment, Call of Cthulhu
DeathPunk author (cyberpunk with the zombies on the mechanics of Savage Worlds),
Neuroshima (single- story),
Cold City,
Monastir: Against the First Commandment, Call of Cthulhu
Apart from that I played as a player:
Ariel (Commander of the space ship Hazatów)
Pandora's Effect (author of Dead Space in the atmosphere).
hit this year's session proved to Savage Worlds. Besides the sessions GS I liked the game introduced by master of the new simple rules such as the space battles and maneuvers of troops as a commander. Something like additional mini-games.
Running on Pandora, I have to commend the game for the preparation of a master. Plans for the interior of vessels, hand drawings of monsters, letters, cards, forms. All what I do not do due to lack of time and artistic talent. I guess I'll have to rent it for the preparation of materials for my sessions. Like little things and build great atmosphere.
At the beginning and end of the year the team consisted of seven people. However, its composition in the meantime had greatly changed. Three people have gone, in their place two new and one returning player who played with us before.
participated in the two conventions and Copernikon Pyrkonie. The two most successful trips. Although in no I was not able to take part in any larpie. At least for Pyrkonie played sessions. That's when I and a few other sessions I realized how very different to our style of play teams from other players. Later I met a problem on the other hand, when I accepted the players already playing somewhere else. It's hard to say whether the way we play is worse or better, but you get used to new customs, and sometimes you can pick up interesting ideas.
As for the Blog of the joy I have to say that he has fulfilled his role. Ie. forcing myself to write and promote the entertainment, which is among my RPG friends. Although this caused a problem, which formerly was not able to imagine that is an excess of players. More and more people are asking for the opportunity to play, and I have refused because of lack of vacancies and lack of time to lead the second team. By the way these people do not yet know how thin I was GM, and probably because they want to play with me;)
This year I would like to dream RPG:
further promote RPG among friends. Create a second group playing in an RPG. One in which I was not looking, or I mg, and that quite regularly met. So to split the current group and have room for new players.
Run sessions at the convention, to take larpie share, maybe even someone to go along with a lecture. And of course to know more people playing RPG and bloggers.
is enough, I wish you all that this year was better than all the previous and you might be able to develop their hobby.
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