In the end I managed to get to the office and replace all €! Actually, I collected there from 2 weeks, but at the time of this collection, I realized that the exchange of foreign currency is a great way (at least for me) for savings, such piggybank. If you're too lazy / s to move up to the office, which is located in any part of the city is definitely the way to save you a check) But to the point.
chose a not so well right after school, but less on purchases that have been even coercion. The priority was, of course, shoes, ballerina closely. But they have played little role in the whole movie today. Because I made a skirt furore, which caught my eye literally executioner. Skirt in poppies, which was looking for a long time suddenly suddenly appeared before me, not so not quite, but almost. Of course, in this love at first sight wanted to prevent other great clothes, but they did not succeed, because I związałyśmy and skirt for a longer time;)

And in all this I'm sitting at the bus stop with the newfound things, and suddenly all of a sudden came to me the desire to capture other well-dressed people. I had no camera with me, but my phone is no escape from the camera and when I saw actually looked at a few girls, one of them was dressed as prześwietnie!

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