political situation unclear. Until there is official recognition of the withdrawal of our Government in London, so long we exist. We live nerves. Many have made efforts to gain exit visas to free countries.
Germany surrendered unconditionally. Poland under Soviet occupation. Case Yalta subsided. Why will review our decisions and the matter will be regulated at the level of decent Polish people?
Indians reveal frustration that comes the end of the war in Europe. Fall lucrative supply and disproportionate profits, but the war with Japan still take time, indicate hastily erected barracks for the troops.
6 July reached us a message that Britain and America, upon entering the Lublin Committee Mikolajczyk, Stanczyk, Popiel and Kiernik, recognized the provisional government of the Polish State.
betrayed us.
I received another letter from Mietek, written May 6, 1944, bears the stamp of the military censorship in Bombay on 19 December 1944. Letter from the calm, serene, describes the history of my suitcase, which he took with him to war.
July 7 afternoon we paid in the three-month severance package. There have been some rumors that were closed in France Polish institutions and bank accounts confiscated. Why, what about us?
year's monsoon is violent, the streets of standing water on the runway. Communication is often interrupted for several hours. Still working, waiting for the closure of offices.
6 August the world was shocked by the news that the U.S. Air Force threw the city Hirochimę Japanese atomic bomb, which wiped from the face of almost the entire city.
a terrible weapon but also an important discovery. Create a new era. Contrary to the threat, humanity can bring happiness and eliminate the fratricidal war.
August 1945. My host, Rubinoff Russian Jew, escaped during the revolution in Russia. Today, under the influence of the Soviet victory, on the wall hung a caricature of the feasting of the Big Three. Sympathy to Russia's growing, it is revealed during each conversation.
Someone from lodgers Rubinoffowi said that China, which is a national agreement concluded with Russia, that it undertook to release all Russian citizens, no matter where they are staying at the moment, and Britain considered this system.
Rubinoffowi congratulates a happy return to Russia.
Rubinoff expressed outrage, nervous voice said
-not so I ran away from communist Russia to go back. What do you think that I do not know life in Communist Russia, where men are slaves? I sympathize with the Russian nation, and not with the system.
Rubinoff had not slept all night, waking at night lodgers and obtain the advice on how to get rid of annoying the Chinese nationality.
I will meet misfortune. Today-September 3, 1945-the first time since marriage Mietek, unwittingly took off my wedding ring. Or Mietek met something wrong, or there is something to break up my marriage.
God to Mietek he fall into the hands of the Russians, because when they hear about his past socio-political, it will send it to łagieru.
In India, increased political activity. Passionate action manifests Congress and Pakistan, and besides that make themselves felt communists.
Communists launched a cafe in the city center, and the fences and houses we outlined with chalk, "hammers and sickles."
With the abolition of martial law, there were strikes. The strikers fly red flags with the Soviet state emblems, and the authorities are indifferent to such antics. In Hindostanie red flags hang as long as it does not destroy the sun, wind or monsoon. This tolerance has an effective impact, rather than reaction, because it reveals the non-resistance, and enhances the power of resistance.
At the edge of Pedder Road faces the street scenes, holding a red flag with hammer and sickle, and distributes leaflets. Approached and asked what the flag means.
-This is a sign of our party, "said.
-What does your party in India? - I asked.
-We want all the palaces and villas belonged to us, coolies.
-coolies too much, do not accommodate in these palaces and villas-accosted.
-That's right, but once a year I'll sleep in the palace, not a life on the street, "said backstage.
initiated exploration for Mietek. I wrote a letter to Lieutenant. Maniewskiego, one of the survivors of the camp II C, and the International Red Cross in Geneva.
officers from the POW camp in Germany II C disappeared. Nobody writes about them.
At the end of November I received a letter from ppor.mgr Maniewskiego, writes:
"I received two letters from Mrs. 22.X.1945 18.X.1945, and on her husband Mrs. Lieutenant. Mieczyslaw Piatkowski, who stayed until 25 January 1945 Oflag IIC Woldenberg.
I mention the date of January 25, 1945, because on that day all the officers were evacuated towards the west. Already 5-of-the wzgl.6 day of our march to the west, the battalions 1,2,3,6 were surrounded by the advancing Soviet troops face and forced to march to the east. Unless your husband lived in a hut XVI A, that is lived with the 3rd battalion, if that is possible, have a colleague or friend in another battalion sincere, then he could find yourself, like me, in the West, along with Battalion 4th and 5th, because, as I said, 1,2,3,6 battalion, were certainly under Soviet occupation. "
I have no illusions that Mietek fell into the hands of the Soviets.
Polish Committee Care of Refugees mum sacked as manager Sithabay villas, because it was too good for children, and for acute staff.
Mom has completed two departments, he knows a dozen foreign languages, so the place it was engaged as a teacher of music for the English school Kimmens. Mom does not feel well this school, nobody nobody denigrated, rumors do not collect his superiors, is also not too old for this position, because in school English education and the role of sound work, teaching, and not age.
sixth spend Christmas outside country. There, in the homeland of frost, snow, and here I am surrounded by palm trees and solar heat.
In early February, I received a postcard from the Comite International de la Croix-Rouge Geneve. Inform me that a Mietku do not know.
courtesy of Dr. Tomanka takes place in the English Malayan Transit Camp theoretical and practical course of analytical and laboratory equipment. Interesting work, I use a lot from the course. Patients are Angilcy, Malays, Burmańczycy, Chinese and various hybrids.
March 1946. Polish Jews are leaving en masse to North America, stand guarantee for their relatives and Jewish charities.
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Victoria Gardens in Bombay |
When not visited the Bombay exchange. There are the hanging gardens, full of fragrant flowers, charming orgy of colors. Hedges, trimmed with motifs, are bursting with freshness, because the man does not skimp them water. Wild vegetation dies of thirst waiting for the monsoon.
hanging gardens nearby, also on a hill, there dakhme, tower of silence, obsiadła by swarms of vultures with bare necks. Waited for sunset, when the Parsis lay in a body dakhme their dead.
This month, I will not bring prosperity, because I saw the first quarter of the moon rising on the left side. Living on the steppe in Kazakhstan kizgiskim succumbed to superstition Kazakhs, who surround the moon, in particular cult. Historically, the Tsarist Russia, Kazakhs device under the open sky during secret ceremonies Ojdana, moonlit night. Seeing the quarter we on the right side of the moon brings prosperity, while the niepowodznie left, worries and annoyances.
efforts have been made about the visa, and in the meantime visited the Hindu temples, the old districts of the city and paid a collective trip to the famous island of Elephanta, or Gharapuri.
Until I visited two museums, zoological gardens, churches of various denominations, cemeteries, crematoria and a great Indian Buddhist monastery in Kanheri, near Borivli.
Wihara Buddhist dates from the ninth century, the PCN has been forged in the rocks of the mountains at an altitude of about 500 meters. It consists of 109 caves and temples. With the collapse of Buddhism in India changed monastery Hindu temple honoring the god of destruction-Shiva, the Hindu worship in the form of the lingam, phallus.
This massive stone lingam, the niebosiężne statues of Buddha, statues of the great Doric, will always remain in my memory. These works have survived for centuries, so much had happened in India, zman, and these statues continue to exist. They are cold, indifferent, though nadkruszone the tooth of time.
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