Saturday, November 28, 2009

Linsey Mckenzie16sport

notes for today

recently asked me to note that in the majority notes, I write that I am napruty or "yesterday the naprułem." So I decided to break with routine and to announce that yesterday did not naprułem ... naprułem the day before yesterday, which resulted in two posters announcing hunt for cribs. Well, I was returning from the birth Sempai'a strongly staggers from a short distance between the New Kleparz a bloody street Siemaszko, when I saw a gentleman sizing posters 2012. As a curious person I went to him and talked, "Bri ... szeprahszam wieszór, but so are you here rozchleja?". Very cultured gentleman replied that the crib, and if you want to see a tow trunk of his car posters lie. Pijacko fascinated with the unmistakable art got permission to set fire to the one s *** ... fate would have it, I just broke down the counter and took two. When eventually drove to the apartment at the entrance has already attacked me a shocking sight. Samcio piżamce lying in the bed, a meter away from him in the collar and Rysiu cuddler on your hands. I did not want to go into what they were doing there before I came, so skillfully used the hand-held works of art to ignore this very obvious topic of conversation. Proved that advertising Krakow cribs may be more useful than I thought. Rysiu decided to stick to the wall, folded her crib and mask their obscene posters in the event of re-invasion of the parents (of the week, we encourage Lynx to describe this story as it komencikach pomęczycie it may eventually agree)
is in this moment I terminate and have a nice day, and probably will add the rest of the cattle in the evening. May the Flying Spaghetti Monster has you in his care, and Ave Maria
PS. I forgot ... The third piece of our first CD is "blocked, clean my pipe"


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