Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kamehasutra 02 Read Online


First Postcrossing, Now couch surfing. What is it? Virtually the journey, but rather just stay for free. Everything lies in the fact that you log on such like Facebook but for travelers, where you create a profile, you put your data there, interests, languages \u200b\u200bin which they can communicate, their photograph and attention ... their couches! Why? Because the word 'couch' is just 'the couch'. How does it work? If you want to go to a place in the world, let's say I do not know, such as Amsterdam, then write to the registered person was there asking for of accommodation. And note, do not count on is that we get a separate room with a bathroom and a beautiful view over the city. Because the idea is just couchsurfingu sleeping on the couch. And here again the hook, because it may be that we are not the only guests in someone's home. Julia Kolodko, who spoke at the ELLE on this subject, said that in Japan, lived in a spacious home, but in Dublin with seven Brazilians, however, he adds, it teaches openness.
What's more, when I logged on portal, sent some e-mails, asking them to stay in London. She got almost all the answers refusals, only one of them turned out to be be positive. In response, it was concluded: "OK, but convince me that you care about knowing me", which gave to understand Julia couchsurfingu that idea is not only cheap accommodation, but meeting new people, sometimes ending in friendship.
At that moment, couch surfing is najmnodniejszym patent for traveling, using it already 2 million people.

As for me, it's probably not anybody have the possibility to adopt home, my parents certainly zdziwiliby at the sight of someone with a pledge of luggage, though I am on vacation may be the future I will go to someone on the sofa;>


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