Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leg Hurting And Herpes

"Sydney Opera House Transformed by light display"

Through the portal , where among the 102 people who have been following the BBC saw the so-called 'festival of lights' in Sydney. Generally, at that moment, such festivals are held nearly every major, indeed a great city like Sydney's, Hong Kong, London, New York, Berlin, etc.
As for Berlin, is at the end of the holidays, probably until the beginning of November, the festival is taking place, but do not tell you exactly, because I do not remember exactly. And these pictures have already shown once;)
Coming back to the Opera House .. Chief Wizard Ingatius Jones says that the event aims to show Sydney as a creative center and encourage people to engage in the creative industry.
If there are any willing it happens to the festival from 27 May to 13 July;)


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